In this show, Josh Lyman, the Deputy Chief of Staff, is meeting with a psychiatrist and a traumatologist. You see at the beginning of the season, Josh's character was involved in an attempt on another character's life. He was shot and had to undergo surgery and it was touch and go. He makes it through and recovers and eventually returns to work. Around Christmas time, his character starts exhibiting PTSD, post traumatic stress disorder. He basically has a melt down and shoves his hand through a window. He has a huge cut and wraps it himself.
At the beginning of this episode the doctor ask him how he cuts his and hand and this sets off the stage for the rest of the show. The doctor keeps asking him throughout about it. Finally, he really starts pushing Josh about his hand and finally, Josh has a break through. At a Christmas concert he began to relive the events of the shooting. Next Josh asks what set him off. It was the music that sounded like sirens to him that unnerved him. When Josh leaves he runs into Leo. Leo McGary is the Chief of Staff. Leo tells Josh a story and that is the point to this blog.
This is the story. A man falls into this hole and can't get out because the walls were too steep. A doctor walks by and the man yells to the doctor "Help me, I have fallen into this hole and can't get out." The doctor writes him a prescription and throws it down to him and leaves. Later a priest walks by and the man yells to him "Help me, I have fallen into this hole and can't get out." The priest writes out a prayer and throws it down to the man. Soon the mans friends walks by. The man yells "Hey Joe, its me. I have fallen down into this hole. Can you help me out?" Joe jumps down into the hole with his friend. The friend says "Are you crazy? Now we are both down here." Joe says "Yes, we are, but I have been down here before and I know the way out."
I think too many times we forget that it is okay for us to ask for help. When the world is closing in on us and we can't seem to figure out how to get out, all we have to do is ask for help. Help from God, our Heavenly Father and our friends. He definitely knows the way out and will help us if we ask. I have a couple of friends that I could turn to and am turning too as I try to get out of the hole I am in now. They have been there and are truly praying for me. I like knowing that I am not alone and that really we are all in need of help, a hug, a good cry, a listening ear, a friend, a Savior. I know that I have a long journey ahead of me but I am looking forward to the day in a year or so when I look back and know that I made it through. Praise God that He heals and forgives! What an awesome God we serve!
I chose to no longer live my life afraid of things but to rather live my life for Christ without fear. I chose to follow Him no matter what. He is calling me to a great purpose than I could ever imagine for my life. I have said "Yes" and will follow His leading even though right now it is bittersweet. I am following Him and going back to school, seminary to be exact. While that is exciting, it is still scary also. I am sad to be leaving my friends behind but look forward to a new journey. A journey with Him into an unknown. This will be a time to grow closer to Him, in ways I have only dreamed about before.
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