Thursday, July 16, 2009

New Commitment

So, starting Friday, July 17th, 2009, I will be begin my new commitment to working out and eating right again. Just over a year ago, I had start that process and was seeing great results. Then I got bored with it because I stopped seeing such quick results. I have since learned that consistence is the key to success. I am hoping by posting about my successes, struggles and just everyday ups and downs with this commitment that maybe I might do better. I am planning on posting as much as possible.
Tomorrow I will begin with a 10-day cleanse to help prepare my body for the weight loss routine and exercise. Also, it will flush all the toxins in my body. The food routine that I will follow is called Commit 2 Fit. Basically, it teaches the 8 healthy lifestyle eating habits. So, with tomorrow being my start date, it will be my week 1 habit to practice. Drinking 12 servings of water for good hydration and to help keep the body flushing out toxins. Once I get that habit down, I start week 2 next Friday, July 24th.
My workout for tomorrow...I will get 30 minutes of cardio in and stretching. Eventually I will add in weight lifting and build up the muscle tone.


  1. Bubbles - dare I guess why I'm calling you bubbles? Good luck with the blog, Commit 2 Fit, and getting down that first habit... when you succeed, and you will, I'll blow bubbles in your honor!

  2. Lynn, Thanks for the comment! Bubbles was my nickname in high school because I had a "bubbly" personality. It's just stuck with me I guess.

  3. I would suggest doing Crystal Light if you get tired of plain water. The Strawberry one is great, and drinking green tea is also good.

    A good workout dvd is Jillian Michaels Shred. Wishing you the best of luck.
